Thursday 19 January 2012

Geeky Goth

 dress - topshop // shirt - asos // shoes - office

Added a bit of geek to my rather goth-like outfit today with some chunky glasses I had laying around. I went to buy some fabric as I plan on doing a couple of DIY tutorials this weekend, so make sure you check back for those, i'm sure you will like :) Again, will be adding a few more things to my shop tonight, so please take a look, I have reduced the prices on a lot of things!

I also had a little look round the charity shops today and picked up a few nice bits...
 This striped turtleneck and skater dress were only £1 each! Why they were on the sale rail is beyond me!

Random bits... forgotten the prices but all around £3 each.

Have a nice day/night wherever you are :)


Amy-Rose said...

the skater dress is to die for!x

Anonymous said...

Hi, I just discovered you blog and am now follwing. You are so unique!

Please check out mine if you like what you see please follow :-)

Unknown said...

wow you've got a really unique style.. x

Audrey. said...

I don't know how I found your blog but...yeah,I'm really glad to found it!!!
Your style is awesome and you're so pretty girl!And you seems so nice and sweet person.I'm definetly following! look so pretty also with your red wig!you should wear it ;) I didn't realize that was a wig at the beginning xD

Unknown said...

Super cute dress! Wish we had stylish thrift stores here :/ said...

Your are absolutely GORGEOUS, I love your style! Im happy I found your blog :)

Superblondeep said...

hi! I just discovered your blog and I love your style! I follow you now. follow me back please!!! hehe. see you ;) xoxo

Lena's Blend said...

It's a cute look on're owning the outfit. Luv it.

Tasha said...

Love that shirt, love your blog.

Tasha xo

Plurielle said...

I love your pink hair and blue eyes, it's like you belong to another galaxy.
I really like your fashion universe I would qualify "manga-girly-rock".
Love this outfit by the way, especiallt the lil' velvet dress that is so cute ^^

Unknown said...

I saw this picture in a tumblr fashion blog the other day!

Anonymous said...

Lovin' the Underground Creepers on you!!! You're my daily go to blog...keep up the good styling...Amazing!!!

anosh said...

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ارقام محلات شراء الاثاث المستعمل بجدة
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