Saturday 11 February 2012

Successful day of charity shopping

Hey guys :) So today I had a lovely afternoon with my mum, we popped into town to look round the charity shops just for something to do. It's snowy and cold here in England but it was such a nice sunny day! I ended up having a very successful day for bargains, my mum treated me to some lovely bits, most of which are very on trend! A bit of a lazy outfit today...

knitted skirt & hat - primark // top & fur stole - h&m // leather jacket - new look // shoes - office // watch - ebay

 This is my cute mum :) I love her lots! She's probably reading this so *hi mummy*

You probably haven't noticed, but today I tried out a new foundation. I got a free sample of Rimmel's new "Wake Me Up" foundation in Glamour magazine, it is ah-mazing! I have been using Mac Studio Fix Fluid for a while now but unfortunately the shade I bought is a bit too dark for me, which means I always have to blend it down my neck - this too much effort for me in the morning! I love trying out free samples and I liked this one so much that I bought the full size bottle today! Well, my mum's Boots card got me it for free - but otherwise it is on offer for £4.99 which I think is a great deal for such a good foundation.

So here's the bargains I picked up today:
As you all probably know pastels and neon are very in this season, so I was extremely happy to pick up these cute *on trend* bits. I got this beautiful neon pink and orange ombre blazer for just £2.99! We popped into River Island and I saw one that was almost identical for £40!

 I then spotted this beautiful pastel orange knitted cardigan! There were quite a few and they were all hand knitted by a granny! *How adorable*, the lady in the shop said they were selling out fast so I grabbed my two favourite.

 I got this cute white and lavender one too, they were both £2.99.
 (Sorry for the blurred photo) I found these amazing lavender jeans, the only thing I don't like is that they are low rise. I love all my bottom-wear to be high waisted but I couldn't pass these up since they were only £1.99!
 They are tight at the top but baggy enough at the bottom to be rolled up and worn "boyfriend" style, which I love!

 This sweet little dress I wasn't sure on at first, but now I love it! I can picture myself wearing it when it's a bit warmer with Docs and a cute shirt underneath. It was only £3! It's a little big but whilst deciding on whether I wanted to buy it or not, I spotted this beautiful leopard print belt amongst some junk in a basket:
 So beautiful! and it was only a pound.

I also want to show you my beaut new watch! My Tumblr dashboard is my inspiration for all things fashion, and I keep seeing these old school Casio watches pop up. I love how simple it is and I am so in love with it! It adds a small touch to an outfit and goes amazingly with my gold jewellery. I adore how it looks with my new granny cardigan!

Since I am full to the brim with curry, onion bhajis and popadums, I am having a chilled night in tonight with my boyf. Hope you're all having a fabbbb weekend!


Anonymous said...

Loving the cardigans. And Casio watch.
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AsherleighR said...

So many amazing buys!!! Love the pink blazer!! xxx

Natalie said...

Love the watch and cardigans, very cute!
Natalie x

db said...

awww Hi Mummy!!! the watch the cardigan, the bracelets, the blazer, the guns & roses, tea and ur lovely locks up against that fur is all sooo Darling & Divine!! I love it all!
Darling Bonnie

Laura. said...

nice finds!

Angela Leberte said...

great finds! i love the blazer and the lavender pants!

Unknown said...

I love that peach cardigan. so granny chic! :) x

Mary said...

your mother is beautiful like you! Your hair is amazing, and I love the shoes.
just discovered your blog while browsing through blogs and loved it.
I'll follow, you follow me too? loved :)

xoxo *

saskia Vogt said...

I love the hat I thinking of making one

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Unknown said...

love the lavender cardi! great finds x

Claudia Kitten said...

You got some great buys!
Claudia xxx

Christie said...

Love that Guns N Roses tee!
There is nothing more satisfying than finding some great little bargains in a charity shop - you definitely got some amazing finds :) xo

Esther Ivy said...

OMG. I love you. Your blog is so pretty. And all the clothing you got are so pretty. Your mummy too.xx

Zoe said...

Just found your blog and love it! Your sense of style is amaaaazing and love the things you bought! I never find such nice things in charity shops - can you come and be my personal shopper?! haha, anyway.. love it!
Zoe xoxo

Laura said...

Just came across your blog today, you have amazing hair! Such a gorgeous colour! Great buys, love that watch x

Chelsea Jade said...

Perfect outfit once again!
Cant believe you got all of those from a charity shop, I can never find pieces like that in my local second hand shops.

ShimzBeauty said...

oooh i love going through charity shops, it is amazing what you can find.

following you now sweety. hope you will check me out and maybe follow back ^_^

evehut said...

These are some amazing charity shop finds!
I really like your blog, following you now :D

ali3nqueen said...

I love the denim dress! great finds!


Jen said...

:O !!
NO FRIGGING WAY, you got really sick finds AND all for a bargain.

J x

maphi bayolo said...

love the things you got , very nice outfit xoxo

Chaitea said...

Wow I love those pants!
Pastel or bright colored pants always add a pop to any outfit~
I'm so jealous that you were able to buy all that good stuff so cheaply

Jeane M. said...

Absolutely great finds! Would really love to have you as my bargain mate. Those outfits are wickedly best buy love the neon blazer. :)
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GREEDS said...

Awesome finds, as usual... You look so warm!

Kate Kovalsky and Alexis Adamski said...

We love your style:

Jess said...

that pink blazer is perfect, such a good find! and i need a gold casio in my life x

Anna-Lena said...

interesting hair colour!! looks nice

Anonymous said...

amazing finds! love them all! xx

Fanni said...

I visited ur blog first time today and fell in loe with it in the first seconds!! xx u got attitude in your style

Unknown said...

your style is amazing! and i love the faux fur hat and scarf :D

Stokely Rainbow said...

love all the looks. that lipstick looks great on you!. Wish I had your hair. :)

Samira Phoenix said...

love these outfits. you look so good.

Abbie said...

Oh wow you firstly have great style and secondly you love charity shops I am def following!! I would love it if you stopped by my little blog sometime xx

Anonymous said...


Frankie said...

feckin love the photos of your watch
also want to steal your denim dress

Frankie x

Lidiya said...

Your fur hat is fabulous and I adore those lavender jeans <3

Armelle said...

Damn ! I looooove th whole post ! :D

The Little Magpie said...

All these bits and bobs are amazing, can't believe how lucky you were! If only my local one was as good as this.. xx

sugacane said...

some fab buys, wish I could find some good stuff for those prices in my area!! Loving this blog :)

Diana xxx

Melisa said...

looking cute at various style suits :)
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