Thursday 19 March 2015

NOSE JOB DIARIES: Say whaaaaat?!


So... where do I begin?! This post is long overdue, and probably a shock to most of you. It's also the hardest thing i've ever had to write on my blog! Exactly 6 weeks ago today, I did something pretty big, something I’ve wanted desperately for almost 10 years. I finally got a nose job after years of absolutely despising my nose. Years of low self esteem and major confidence issues (despite regularly taking photos of myself, weird right?) - and I finally went and did it. Turns out you can buy confidence! Even though i'm still healing, the swelling has gone down considerably so I finally feel ready to announce it, something I really wanted to do - as a blogger I think it's important to be honest with your readers and i'm actually excited to share my journey with you all. I've already seen such a huge difference in myself, for once in my life it finally doesn't cross my mind when I go out in public. It feels very strange for it not to be a problem anymore! I hope that I can inspire even a few others who have had self esteem issues and are considering surgery to help that.

I’m not sure I can really put into words how much it meant to me to fix my nose. I promised myself I would never get married until it was done; I said no to so many incredible opportunities simply because I was so insecure over it. The thought of someone else photographing/filming me from a bad angle gave me anxiety beyond words. I cried to my mum, I cried to my boyfriend, and I cried myself to sleep so many times over this. And the weirdest thing is, most people have no idea I even had a problem with my nose. When you hate something so much about yourself, the last thing you want to do is draw attention to it. So that’s exactly what I did for so many years – I rarely spoke about it, I didn’t tell many people how I felt, because I just didn't want people to notice it.

This wasn’t just a spur of the moment “ooh, i’d love to get a nose job one day, lets go for it” – this was something that has eaten me up inside since I was 12 years old and someone at school first told me my nose was big/ugly/weird. This was to correct a very obvious problem – my nose was way too big in proportion to the rest of my face, it was horribly shaped, it didn’t suit me and was extremely unflattering from certain angles. I was forever dreading those candid photos catching me at a bad angle, and I can remember every single little comment people have made about my nose over the years - and those kind of comments don’t go away. I'm sure some of you can relate - if someone picks at something you hate about yourself, you don't forget about it, ever! I was finally at a point in my life when I was sick of being insecure, worrying about it wherever I went. I was completely ready for it, and with no work or uni commitments, I could take as much time as I needed to recover, and of course, could actually afford to pay for it.

Personally, I think a nose job is so different to any other kind of surgery. It’s smack bang on the middle of your face, pretty much the first thing you see when you look at someone. It’s not something you can hide under clothes, there’s no disguising it. One thing I could not stand was when I would moan and people would say "oh Lucy, your nose is fine!" "there's nothing wrong with your nose!" - this would honestly annoy me. Did I really spend 10 years of my life lacking self esteem, being depressed over my nose for you to tell me "it’s fine"? No. Don’t tell me my nose is fine when it absolutely isn’t - you have no idea.

Unfortunately I have my dad's genes - the Rance nose, as my family call it (my mum says at least you have your dad's long skinny legs, which is a fair point!) This issue hugely affected me as a person growing up. Over the years I just became so obsessed with it that the more I succeeded with my blogging career, the more I lost confidence and developed crazy anxiety because I thought that's all people could see. I honestly thought it was the only thing people saw when they looked at me, and there was no persuading me otherwise! I wouldn't even believe my boyfriend when he told me I was "beautiful" - how silly is that? I never wanted anyone to look at me from the side, never wanted anyone else to take photos of me, and as someone who pretty much takes photos of herself for a living (oh the life of a blogger) - this definitely made things difficult! Since having this done, i've already done so many photo shoots in full confidence, and am even opposed to a side profile photo now, which is something i'd never have done before (as silly as that sounds!) 

Now most of you reading this who have followed me for a while, in all honesty are probably thinking “what the hell is she going on about?!” because obviously, I would never ever post a photo from a bad angle! I became obsessed with getting that good selfie angle with the flattering lighting. If you’ve never met me you probably thought my nose was fine. I learned what worked for me, from angles to contouring, but it wasn’t enough. I wanted to become a confident person and I knew that was never ever going to happen unless I got my nose fixed.

Even I can agree that the above before picture isn't THAT bad - thanks to good lighting it actually looks ok here! But the change is pretty drastic. I had a lot done - the bump smoothed out to a slight curve (it was visible from the front as well as the side), the tip pushed up and rounded, and the columella (bit under the septum) reduced. I'm soo happy with the result so far - once it has healed more I will post some front view pictures, as it's still really swollen at the moment (which means major contouring every morning to try and disguise it!)

After years of researching into rhinoplasty, I decided to go with an amazing company called Transform. My experience with them was perfect from start to finish, and in the next few weeks I’ll be documenting my whole nose job journey - from the first consultation, to pain, recovery, bruising and scarring - which I hope will help out those who are going through the same thing, but also to give a real, honest diary from a normal gal. Cosmetic surgery isn’t always about being “fake” – sometimes the issue is so deep that it literally changes your life once you get it done. Already I feel so much more confident in myself, which is something I haven’t felt, ever. I'm still months from being fully healed but I am super happy with the side profile, which was always my biggest hate!

I will update you all soon.





You look amazing before and after! :)

Mollie Quirk said...

You look great before and after the surgery but happiness is the key to sassiness and well, you've gotta do what you've gotta do and you look uhhh-maazzinngg gal! You are such a natural beauty and I adore your style. By the way.. whoever told you that your nose was big at school was out of order! Look at you now with your 1.5million page views.. f 'em!!!


Unknown said...

Such an inspiring read,gorgeous before and after,doing something for yourself is make yourself happy x look fab

Charlie Pallett said...

Your nose was beautiful before, but you're happier after. But as beautiful if you ask me!
I have a really small nose, and have always been grateful for that but there are other things I'd love to change about me, like my round face, and I'd like slightly bigger lips but we have have imperfections and I'm so happy you love your results!

Rhiannon Grace said...

This post has already inspired me in so many ways. Thank you for sharing this, it shouldn't matter what anyone else thinks as long as you are happy with you x

Francesca Wilson said...

I've had experience with transform when I had some surgery done and I wouldn't honestly recommend them to anyone! They're so kind and personable, exactly what you need when you aren't feel your best! I'm glad you had a good experience too.

I'm glad you're feeling more confident, it is incredible what making a change (whether how big or little) can do for your self-esteem. Half the time you can't even see what I've had done, (because I got them done for me, and no one else!) But that doesn't mean it hasn't affected my overall confidence! It's definitely about making you happy 😊 so well done! And sorry for the ramble xx

Unknown said...

Wow I had no idea!!! You always look gorgeous and I am happy for you that you feel better! Do what makes you happy xxx

Unknown said...


Happy for you!


Unknown said...

I 100% get it! People tell me everyday my nose is fine, but it is one of my biggest insecurities! I've always had a problem with it and granted it isn't THAT bad (as you can see from my blog pictures) but I definatly understand the desire to want to change it.
I am really interested in rhinoplasty so would love to see a follow up on this with the full journey!
Thanks for the post,
Sophie xxx

NataliesStyle said...

A nose job is literally something I've wanted since 13. I can not wait to save up for mine. yours looks fantastic, I think more people should post about plastic surgery because it is a big deal to undertake so seeing results like yours can help give people like me the confidence to go get it done as its something I've always wanted. Thank you for sharing!

laura said...

My nose is something I hate, after being bullied in Year 7 over it. It's small but the side profile bothers me and its shape. I got called 'budgie' so I forever saw my nose as a beak. I have to realise that it probably all blends into my face and no one notices and they were just bullies, but side profile pictures - they are something I will always avoid. Good on you for changing it and I relate so so much. If I had the time and money I would consider it too to just make me feel happier about the side of my face. The front of my nose doesn't bother me at all xx.

Anonymous said...

I have read your blog since the very beginning and have always admired you and thought of you as a confident role model so you disguised your insecurities so well! I've never thought anything of your nose at all, but seeing the before and after photos I can see the difference and I think it's incredible how they do it?! It looks beautiful and if you've achieved this much despite having a huge insecurity holding you back, just think what you'll be able to do now!

Well done for being brave and posting something so personal to inspire others! x

Unknown said...

Good for you! You look amazing and if your confidence is boosted then its nobody elses business!


thefashion-junkie said...

I can totally relate to you on this as I used to be extremely insecure about my nose. I have what I call an 'Arab nose' (the perks of being half Middle-Eastern lol). During my school, sixth form and first year of Uni days I would ALWAYS turn my face away from groups of people, especially guys, as I didn't want them to think I had a big nose or make a comment. Within the past two years I have somehow managed to have a 'f*ck it' mentality but if I'm completely honest there is still a part of me that is extremely insecure about it and I often think about having a nose job too. I am looking forward to all of the posts that will be coming our way in regard to this as it will be interesting to read X


Unknown said...

As a long-time reader I can honestly say that it was never obvious on your blog that you had such an issue with a body part. So glad you could do something like this to improve your confidence. Go you!

Unknown said...

I have never looked at a photo of you and thought 'omg what a huge nose', I have always thought you look gorge, but fair play to you for doing something you wanted to do so badly! I have always struggled with my weight and was also bullied by bitches at school and started my own blog this year but I have felt bit reluctant to post any of photos of myself as people can be cruel... Maybe I should just go for it.

Graceandbraver said...

Girl, your new nose is perfect! It was perfect before, but even more perfect now just because you are more confident in yourself and happy with it! I'm so happy for you, smooches for you xxxx

Millie said...

lucy, you really are an absolute babe <3 proud of you for going after what you've always wanted ! xxx

Unknown said...

I did exactly the same thing when i turned 18 ever since I was little I have always wanted one. Now I can have photos from the side of my face. I'm so glad you were able to do it, it's a huge decision and a lot of pain after but then it gives you so much confidence that it's all worth it in the end !!!

Chanelle jade said...

I think you looked gorgeous before and after, you can definitely tell the difference.
It looks so painful, I hope you're feeling a lot better anyway lovely :) and I can definitely side with you on this one. I hate my nose so if I had the money I'd do the same! If it makes you happier then why the hell not? :)

Amber Dennett said...

This is a really inspiring read. Well done for going ahead for with it. I've always thought you were stunning!


Siostry Ohydki said...

we like your old nose, but the new one is also beutiful. but it's not difficult if you're one of the most amazing bloggers ever.
btw. we are so proud of you! looks really painful :(((

Love from Lorna said...

LOVE this post, everything is spot on! i can never take a photo front on because i swear im 80% nose. Your new nose looks divine, im actually so jealous right now. I read somewhere you arent allowed to sleep lying down for quite a while? is this true hah?

2 Mates and a Blog said...

Wow! I applaud you for being so honest and you know what good for you! There was something that you wasn't happy with, so you did something about it. Do whatever makes you happy girl! Nose looks great!! xx

Unknown said...

Ahhh Lucy - It looks really good even so soon after! :)

I'm exactly the same, i got mine because a guy i was best friends with in school once said to me "i'll miss you and your big pointy nose" - i'd literally never even given my nose a look until that point and from that day onwards my mind was stained with hate for my nose- hating the side and 3/4 angle the most.

Unfortunately my surgery didn't give me the results i wanted but they've agreed to give me revision surgery but i'm sad i have to go through the healing process again as i am 10 months post surgery currently. Your nose is looking so lovely, really happy for you and your new found confidence - make sure you pop in the office soon so we can all see you! xxx


estroJen said...

You are beautiful either way but it is very brave of you to share your journey with the world.



Belle said...

You were beaut before and you are super-duper extra beaut now :)) Congrats!!!

It's such a big and brave sister was exactly the same as you and struggled with similar thoughts for years and years. She finally decided to go for it- and went with Norman Waterhouse for her surgery (Suki's dad). He completely botched it and was massively unsympathetic when she cried with sadness at the result. She's been trying to correct his mistakes ever since.

So happy for you that your surgery worked out...loved reading this post, look forward to the updates :))

R said...

It takes balls to actually go and do something like this! There is such stigma surrounding plastic surgery that people who get it are plastic,vain,shallow ect but I think that if you don't like something then change it! There is nothing better than feeling happy and confident!!

Rachael O xx

Unknown said...

Wow! You're so brave for doing this! I've been a big fan of your blog for ages and you're right - i've never noticed your nose at all. You look really amazing!

Unknown said...

Wow! You're so brave for doing this! I've been a big fan of your blog for ages and you're right - i've never noticed your nose at all. You look really amazing!

Ado M said...

Good for you for being able to do something that makes you happier and more confident. All the best girly!! x

I N K A said...

That post is amazing! So inspiring to see how brave you are when you just decided to go and get a nose job! I know how hard it is to struggle with your confidence problems and all of those type of things. I have bad skin and akne for years now and it really makes mee feel bad about myself. Luckily my skin isn't that bad anymore but i can't go outside of my house without make up. Love your nose btw! Gogo girl! xx

Unknown said...

This is such a refreshing post, to hear about someone getting plastic surgery for themselves and not to fit in with some new craze or to please someone else. You looked amazing before, and still do now! x

Chelsea Jade said...

You're very brave for going ahead with this and sharing it all with us! I think you look beautiful before and after. I'm really happy for you Lucy! :) x

Jay said...

I always thought you're a beautiful girl. I totally understand the feeling of being unsecure about something in your looks. I think you look even more beautiful now and I'm happy that now you feel beautiful and more confident about yourself.

Unknown said...

You're so brave for writing this and either way you are extremely beautiful! It must take a lot to write such a revealing post, but everyone deserves to feel confident and comfortable in their own skin so go you! :) I hope your healing goes well lovely, I'm so happy that you are feeling so much better now xx

Lauren said...

I totally understand- I was like this with my teeth and went through so much pain and different types of braces to get them fixed! You still look like yourself, which is the most important thing with a change like this. Good for you! x

Frankie said...

Your nose is beautiful! Big up for writing a blog post about it, keeping it real :D
Glad your happy, hopefully see you soon!


Shannen Smith said...

Like a lot of people I'd say you looked totally fine before but it's obviously made you a million times happier so that's all that matters! You look amazing.

Laura Rogan said...

I feel the exact same way about myself, when I did the Motel shoot with you I was dreading my nose ruining everything and i'm also taking the plunge this year so it's just great seeing someone else who has gone through the same thing, will definitely look into Transform! New nose looks fab and glad you're finally in a place where you can be happy with your profile :)

Unknown said...

good on you girly! i'd do it in a heartbeat, i hate my nose, and i've been told so many times in my life how much other people hate it too! You look amazing <3

A d e l i n e said...

You're brave to share it with us, you can be proud. Your new nose is perfect and I'm glad to read that you gained confidence with it.

I can relate to it so it was a good read, I've always had problems with my odd nose, it all began at school, like you, with mean comments like "oh my god, your nose is so disgusting !" or "too bad, you could be so pretty with another nose, it ruins you", before that I didn't care about it. It started to grow on me, and I can say it's been an obsession for 15 years, like you I always fear pictures that are not taken or shared by me, I got a hard time standing by profile, and I'm sure that's the reason why I may be single or so unpopular blog & instagram wise (or just that I'm bad overall, idk)...
Unlike you, everyone knows I have a complex on this because I can't hide it, I'd rather say "I hate it, want to change it" than the thought of people thinking "hum, what a bad nose, does she even notice how bad it is ?!". Friends, family will say it's fine but it's not, they can't understand what it's like to think about it every fucking day and crying about it...
I want to have a new nose but I don't know if I'll got the balls to do it, I don't like myself, crappy nose or not, and I fear my nose won't suit my face or be ruined by a bad surgeon (you never know), your story made me less unsure about this because it's beautifully done and it answered one question I had: YES, you can gain confidence with a new nose. I have a lot of other physical insecurities but this one is my biggest...

Thank you for sharing your story. Can't wait for you to document your wole nose job journey, I want to read everything about it because it will help with mine.


A d e l i n e said...

I may add: yes, my profile picture is from the side but with a little help from my friend, aka photoshop, makes me feel even more bad since it's like lying to people...

Alex Turrell said...

You look amazing before and after, I'm glad you feel better for it! Your blog is beautiful!

Unknown said...

im new to this but i thought i would comment bcos this is something that is close to home. im 16 and had a nose job in december sounds crazy i know but my nose had a million things wrong with it. wasnt straight, and so on.. i cant even begin to explain how insecure i was in highschool (even tho i am still young). always felt like the weirdo with a massive nose. ANYWAYS this nose job feels like it literally changed my life. i have wanted to start blogging and stuff for so long and i was waiting till i had surgery. reading your post has given me the push to actually do it. my first post being about my experience of having my nose done of course.
cant wait to read your experience of it! p.s ur nose looks a m a zinnnn! x

Unknown said...

Gorgeous before and after - it is incredibly brave publicising it. I just found your blog and will definitely be following :D

Unknown said...

I really like your Blog. Interesting Posts! Do you want to support each other and follow via Bloglovin & GFC? That would be so cool and I hope we stay in touch. :)

Greetings, Sophia xx
Instagram: sophiaton_

Safiya said...

I think you should be so brave of yourself for going through with it and also for sharing and being completely honest. People bash plastic surgery too much and fail to recognise that it is not something you have done on a whim and it is something you have saved your hard earned cash up for. There is definitely a difference between your before and after pictures (not that I personally think your nose was that bad before) and I am so glad you're pleased with the result. I've always said that if you're not happy with something then you can change it. Hope the healing process goes smoothly gal!

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Unknown said...

you are beautiful either way, you sassy little ball of glitter.

always go for what makes you happy.

Unknown said...

This article gives the light in which we can observe the reality. This is very nice one and gives in depth information.
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Stacey Mathias said...

You look beautiful before and after!!

Unknown said...

This inspired me to write my own - a very informative post! Thank you for being brave.
Have a read of my nose job journey so far -

David Harley said...

Both your side profiles before and after the treatment looks quite good to me. But before going for the surgical rhinoplasty, why didn’t you tried nose job filler London treatment which is almost painless and does not require surgical procedure?

Unknown said...

Nice post. I would say one thing you are such a pretty girl. After surgery, you look fabulous. Nose on our face plays the most significant role in deciding your overall appearance. A few months ago, I had done a nose surgery in CEVRE HEALTH CENTER. They provided me world-class medical facilities at most suitable expenses. Keep posting like this.

Unknown said...

I am so glad I came across this post! I relate completely to your story. I have to say you are a beautiful girl before and after the surgery, but you're so right it's about instilling confidence in yourself! Hope the outcome is how you wanted it xx

Unknown said...

Hello guys! Our clinic, Global Medical Clinic, is one of the best clinics in Bangkok, Thailand. Our Doctor, who is trained internationally, is very popular when it comes to Rhinoplasty. He's one of the best surgeons that uses patient's own rib cartilage for rhinoplasty. Using rib cartilage will create more natural look and is safer since it's from your own body. It means less possibilities of complications and can last forever. We also do other aesthetic procedures in our clinic. Kindly visit our official facebook page: and for English,
and our official website: for more informations. Thank you. :)

Unknown said...

I must say your result is awesome. If anyone looking for nose surgery in India then visit Rhinoplasty in Indore

Unknown said...

You look amazing as always! I respect you so much for sharing your experience and Im super glad you pleased with the results!

Jack Thomas said...

Cool beauty correction has become one of the most talked about matter in today's life. #AreaCat is a local web dirctory that searches the best Nose Job Surgeons in Lucknow in your nearest locatly with contact information and address.

theNewyou said...

Thanks for sharing your process with us all, the end result looks amazing! I have a similar nose to your natural nose so understand your reasons for surgery, but I don't know if I'm quite brave enough haha. It looks gorgeous, it's amazing how speedy your recovery so far has been. I am willing to sugest my sugery clinic theNewyou, I have best treatment, hope it may helpful. Congrats!

Cocoona said...

This is really nice because it well informative for me and hope for others also keep it continued so that we can get benefits. And you look really great after Rhinoplasty surgery

Anonymous said...

I hope your Rhinoplasty improved your confidence and self esteem Belle! Thanks for sharing your plastic surgery experience with everyone.

Hill said...

So awesome...

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Unknown said...

She was looking beautiful in her original face and nose.
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Anaya said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Thanks for writing about your rhinoplasty experience. I'm glad others can find out more about rhinoplasty surgery. I had a minor rhinoplasty when I was 17 years old. That was 30 years ago and I'm still content. I hope that you still love your results and no longer suffer from low self-esteem or confidence issues. BTW your blog is lovely!
Take care,
Dr. Shah

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Unknown said...

I literally feel I could have written this. our stories are exactly the same down to having my dads nose and hating it since I was 12. I am 30 now and I am finally going for my Rhinoplasty in less than 2 weeks!!

SarahW said...

Your situation reminds me mine. Unfortunately i had my dads nose and since teenager i started to feel very uncomfortable. Sometimes i could hear some of my schoolmates commenting it and i could not stand that. When i finished collage i got some job and saved money for rhino. However it was very expensive to have it done in UK i underwent it in Czech republic. Little bit of traveling but was still worth it. Received also very friendly and professional attitude from start to finish at Forme clinic and that was what i was looking for. My nose looks perfect - exactly like yours. And finally my confidence is back:-)

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